Here's the scoop...

Initially, this is an idea I had to help keep my daughter, Tyler's spirits up during yet another medically "rough time". IT WORKED!!!! All of you amazed us and kept Tyler's spirits up. I will never be able to thank you enough, but thank you's will be heading your way <3

Monday, February 14, 2011

Listen to Mighty Pixie

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  1. This is a very cool idea for the coolest girl that I know! I love you mini sweets!! Be you!! Remember the stuff you are made of. I am dedicating one of my favorite songs to you..."Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars. There couldn't be a more pertect song for you. all my love...Auntie T

  2. You are an amazing woman and mother Karri, and I am a better person just knowing you. This blog is such a great idea and I commend you for being forward with yours and Tyler's wishes. I will rise to the challenge and pass this on to others with the same intensity from one mother's heart to another. My prayers are with you and your family for strength, courage, and healing.

  3. I just googled my daughters name "Tyler Stagman" I was surprised to find another person out there with same name. I ended up reading mist of your blog. You two are very strong people. My little Tyler has a big name to fill. Our prayers our with you and I will definetely check back.
